Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Conversations with ET

Due to his health issues and advanced age of 88, my father-in-law resides with us at the ranch.  Ennis Terry (known as ET to the local folks) has the most kindest and gentlest soul I have ever known.  Granted, it has been a challenge for all of us to settle into some sort of routine.  Four adults under one small roof can be stressful at times. 

I have learned a tremendous amount of history from ET.  He is a Veteran from the forties but admits he never left US soil.  He did his part by shipping supplies within the US to military bases.  It wasn't until he got back home that he began his own personal flying career.  But that is a story for a different day.

ET is hard of hearing.  I mean HARD OF HEARING!  I mean VERY HARD OF HEARING!  Some excerpts of our most recent conversations:

Robin:  I packed your razor.
ET:  Raingear?  I don't plan on going outside but whatever you say.
Robin:  No, your RAZOR.
ET:  How much rain is predicted?

ET:  What is that grey cat's name?
Robin:  Grey Cat.
ET:  Right, the grey cat.  What is his name?
Robin:  GREY CAT is his name.
ET:  Why doesn't he have a name?

Robin:  Are you ready for lunch?
ET:  How much what?
ET:  Much?  Much of what?  I'm not following what you're saying.

Robin:  Would you like a cup a coffee?
ET:  I don't much like toffee.  It sticks to my teeth.

Speaking of which, it is time for me to prepare breakfast.....


  1. These sound like the conversations I have with my husband...

  2. Yeah, my husband is getting as bad as his father. Fun times....
