Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Good Neighbors

Although we live at the end of seven mile dirt road, we share part of our southeast fence line with a {insert choice of curse word} subdivision.  The west side of the subdivision borders the ranch and it is only neighborly to introduce yourself to a "fence neighbor". 

One of Sam's mottos is:  "A good fence makes for good neighbors."  With that in mind, he approached the two property owners that border us and discussed said motto.  Sam scored a fence building project and put Mike and some of friends to work with the neighbors' blessing. 

Neighbor One (we will call him "Roy") is an absentee property owner and lives in Nebraska.  Upon retirement he plans on building a home on his patch of Texas paradise and move the family to the country.  His wife is worried about rattlesnakes falling out of trees.  His teenage son is not even thrilled with the thought of living in the "boondocks" and over a hundred miles to the closest city that offers teenage entertainment.

Neighbor Two (we will call him "Tony") homesteads in a nearby county and visits his country acreage every Sunday.  His wife is an artist who is allergic to all things country.  Tony even had a local architect draw up house plans in hopes of enticing the wife to spend time with him on the ranchito.  The wife persuaded Tony to buy her a house in Austin and let him keep his metal barn with living quarters that he is allowed to visit on Sundays.  

We know some of the folks that live on the east side of the subdivision as well.  Neighbors Three (we will call them "Don" and "Betty") moved to our part of the county upon retirement from city jobs.  I first met Betty while she was propping open a bump gate on the county road.  (She drives a Buick LeSabre.)  She motioned me to drive through.  I rolled down my window to thank her and introduce myself.  She asked me, "Are you a weekender?"  I replied, "No ma'am.  I am a lifer."  

Don't forget that good fences make for good neighbors.....

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