Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Cave

Sam discovered this cave while clearing cedar in what we call the "250" or "White Tail Pasture".  His bull dozer shifted on the rock plate as he went over it.  Kennon was the guinea pig and took these photos to share with those of us who are claustrophobic.  With the help of Sam and Mike, Kennon was lowered into the cave using the winch on the 4-wheeler.  As you can tell by the picture to the left, Sam and Mike are quite pleased with themselves.  The cave opening is about twelve feet from the top to the floor of the cave.  The main floor is tall enough to stand up in with room for three to four people.  There is one room to the north of the main floor.  At a later time and date, Mike army-crawled as far back as he could go. No bats, no animal carcasses, no human remains.  And best of all, no spiders or snakes!  In the meantime, Sam constructed a metal ladder that makes for easier access into and out of the cave.  A couple of months after the initial discovery, I worked up the courage to wiggle myself into the cave.  I lasted all of three minutes before I clambered out of there.  I didn't prove anything myself and remain claustrophobic. We have stumbled across other caves on the ranch but none is quite is as impressive as this one.  A smaller cave on the ranch is actually a rattlesnake den and is marked with orange flagging as a warning marker.  No sense in tempting fate.  :)
Stalactites in Main Room

Close up of Stalactites in Main Room

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