Monday, April 14, 2014

For the Love of Reading

Books are a mainstay in my life.  On cold winter mornings while sitting on the floor in the front of the fire place, Aunt Jane was teaching me how to sound out words when I was four years old.   Going to the public library with Grandmom was a treat!  I thought Mrs. Mahler had the best job in the world as librarian. 

I went through the Trixie Beldon mystery books like wildfire.  Mama bought "Little House on the Prairie" series which should have kept me entertained for at least six weeks.  Laura Ingalls was my new favorite pioneer girl.  I zipped through the prairie life in a couple of weeks.  Fairy tales and Little Golden Books were great places to visit.  

And then Nancy Drew took the spotlight from Trixie Beldon on the mystery front.  Mama signed me up with a book club in which I received one Nancy Drew book a month.  Each book had two mystery stories.  Each book equaled one afternoon of reading.  I would re-read each story just in case I missed an important clue along the way.  

Mama was in the same book club and received two Harlequin Romance novels each month.  I never could quite get a good hold on the romance novels.  Damsels in distress being rescued by pirates or rouges living the hard life didn't hold my attention like mysteries did.  

I still have my Nancy Drew and Little House on the Prairie book collections.  Over the years I have added new collections to my small home library which are shelved all over the house.   Mystery novels are still my favorite reading material.  It is best to steer clear of me when I'm engrossed in a darn good book.  Just ask Sam.....

Reading is good for the soul.  It is true what they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover."  You might just miss out on the story of a lifetime.   :)

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