Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Official Rain Gauge

As most of you know, I refer to our rain gauge as the "Jetton Slave Ranch official rain gauge" when reporting rainfall at the end of the dirt road.  It isn't anything fancy.  No glitter or ribbons to attract the rain.  Just a simple, durable plastic contraption which captures measurable moisture.  

The actual gauge fits inside a cylinder.  Then a funnel (shown to the left of the gauge in the picture) is secured on top of the gauge.  The cylinder is secured to a fence post near the house.  This gauge measures to the (pardon me) "gnat's ass".  

It really is an "official" gauge.  We report our rainfall report to the National Weather Service which, for our region, is based in San Angelo.  We have actually reported mere/100ths of an inch (reference "gnat's ass" in previous paragraph) on more than one occasion.    

There are several rain gauges posted at various spots on the ranch.  Sometimes it rains more on the west side than east side, south side than north side, etc.  But we report only the rain in the Jetton Slave Ranch official rain gauge to the NWS.  Sam keeps rainfall records for the entire ranch for all pertinent purposes.  

And there you have it.  Let's hope we can get into a routine of reporting substantial rainfall amounts like we did earlier this week.  PRAY FOR RAIN!  :) 

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