Friday, April 11, 2014


That was a heck of a hiatus!  We have been super crazy busy at work (that's a good thing) but it sure has interfered with things I would rather be doing --- like blogging.  Sitting down at the home computer after spending hours on the work computer simply does not happen.  

I must give a "shout out" to Jerry Stewart.  He asked me yesterday, "What happened to your blogging?"  I promised him I would get back on track with a story about babysitting.  So, here goes....

My best friend, LeAnn, and I spent a lot of time together back in the day.  Our daughters, each named Kristin, were playmates and grew up like sisters.  Either we were all at my house or LeAnn's house on most afternoons and weekends.  We would sit outside in lawn chairs while the girls performed skits, dances and baked mud pies for us.  It was one such afternoon at LeAnn's house when we were perched in her front yard in our lawn chairs.  We were using the cooler containing adult beverages as a footrest and watching the girls play.  

Enter Jerry.  His parents live next door to where LeAnn lived.  Jerry came home from work and found us sitting in the yard sipping our beverages and talking about life.  He ambled over and asked us, "What are y'all doing?"  We both answered, "Babysitting.  Want to join us?" He pulled up a lawn chair, grabbed a cold one and helped us babysit.  

Here's to the days of babysitting and sitting in lawn chairs in the yard with friends and a cooler of adult beverages!  :) 


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