Sunday, January 12, 2014

A New Hobby

Kris and I took a three hour tour of the slave ranch yesterday afternoon.  I'm paying for it this morning with my "cedar fever".  Santa brought me a camera for Christmas and I really hadn't had a chance to experiment with it.  The weather was absolutely perfect on Saturday to air ourselves out.

We loaded Buddy Dog in the Ranger and headed out with no particular destination in mind.  I was intimidated by my new camera because it has a lot of bells and whistles that are foreign to me.  Kristin's boyfriend has the same kind of camera so he gave me the basic rundown until I get more comfortable with my camera.  Yes, I allowed Kris to use the camera as well.  She has a natural knack when it comes to taking pictures. 

I never knew trees, grass and old buildings could be such great photo ops!  My favorite subjects to "shoot" were Kris and Buddy Dog.  And they were kind enough to be patient with me as we stopped every 100 yards or so in order for me to utilize the camera.  Well, Kris was patient; Buddy, not so much. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what I may think are excellent pictures may be boring to others.  I hope you will enjoy my new addiction as I share with you life at the end of the dirt road in living color.  :)

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