Monday, January 6, 2014

Grocery Shopping

Although I dislike grocery shopping with a passion, I have had some interesting experiences at the grocery store as follows.....

Standing in line is probably the worst part of shopping.  About three or four years ago, I was standing behind a woman I did not know but noticed she was fidgeting with the $20 bill in her hands.  She only had a few items to pay for and handed the money to the cashier.  Cashier counted out the change from the $20 bill.  The woman pitched a fit and insisted she gave the cashier a $50 bill.  Whoa!  Really?  The cashier disagreed and even double checked her drawer for a $50 bill. and the woman demanded to see a manager.  I stepped up and said I believed it was $20 she gave to the cashier.  Red faced and mad as heck, the woman took her change and sack of goods and stormed out of the store.  The cashier thanked me and we went on about our business.  Think it is over?  Nope.  The woman was waiting outside for me.  I pushed my cart around her and she got in her vehicle.  That woman was so mad that she followed me around town as I tended to my chores.  I admit I was getting a little nervous so I drove to the sheriff's department and the woman followed me.  All I did was go in and say hello to whoever was dispatching that day.  But it worked! 

Shopping in HEB is not fun.  As in not fun at all.  So I make the best of it and try to keep a positive attitude.  Starting in the produce department, I was picking out tomatoes.  I noticed an elderly man on a scooter and he seemed, um, lost.  I asked him if he needed any help and he growled at me.  I moved along.  I met him three or four more times on different aisles.  I would smile and he would growl.  On our last encounter in the dairy department, I said to him, "Here we are again!  We must have the same items on our lists today."  He growled and said, "I really wish you would stop talking to me."  He wheeled off on his scooter and I told him to have a nice day.  I'm pretty sure he pumped his fist in the air as he made the corner.

And just last week at our local grocery store I was pushing my cart back to the store and noticed three men dressed in, gasp!, camouflage.  I asked one of the men if he needed a basket and offered the one I had to him.  He frowned and said, "No.  I will get my own basket."  We walked together to the front of the store where I parked my basket.  He took a cart that was closer to the door.  He must have missed the buck of a lifetime that morning to have had such a sour disposition. 

I noticed the boys have started a grocery list on the kitchen counter.  :)

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