Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Check Your Boots at the Door

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!  The new carpet was installed yesterday in the living room.  I was already walking across it barefoot before the guys were finished.  Even though I suggested the guys wear masks when removing the UGLY blue carpet, I caught some slack for the UGLY blue carpet's condition.  What did they expect after 30 years, give or take, of wear and tear and animals?? 

There is no such thing as a squeaky clean house when living at the end of a dirt road.  I asked Gramps how old he thought this house is.  He told me it was here when he and his family moved to the ranch in 1927.  The house has gone through several remodels and updates and overall improvements throughout the years.  We aren't through with upgrades.  Oops, I'M not through with upgrades.  Sam is on a need-to-know basis in the meantime. 

Sam noticed the blue valences and plastic (egad!) mini-blinds were MIA when his computer time was shortened due to the lack of coverage on the east windows.  I kind of like not having anything on the windows.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sam hung a dang sheet on the east living room windows.  Therefore, I best be working on a window treatment plan.

Back to the carpet.  It looks great!  It smells great!  No stickers!  And it feels sooo good on bare feet!  I had to prompt Sam to remove his boots at the front door yesterday evening.  I suspect he did it just to amuse me.  And what color is the carpet, you ask?  The color is a perfectly blended mix of caliche and dirt.  :)

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