Monday, January 20, 2014

Forbidden Fruit

There were two places I was forbidden to go during my high school years.  There would be hell to pay if I was seen at either place and Mama found out about it.  And we all know there are no secrets in a small town.

The first place that was taboo was London Dance Hall.  That didn't bother me too much because most of my friends weren't allowed to go there either.  I have to admit we would drive to London and turn around just to see who might be out there.  Oftentimes we would leave a note on a friend's windshield to let him/her we would be dragging Main Street and to look for us later.  The first time I stepped inside London Dance Hall I was 20 years old.  And that's a fact, Jack!

The second place that was forbidden territory was.......THE DAM.  I am a water rat and to tell me I couldn't hang out "across the dam" with my friends was devastating in the world of being a teenager.  As a matter of fact, I was told to stay completely away from the river in town.  I managed to do just that until the summer before my junior year in high school.  And someone double-dog dared me to jump off the bridge into the river.  Seriously?  Terrified of heights but desperate to be a "cool" kid, I climbed to the Jump-Off rail.  Perched precariously on the rail I had several thoughts running through my head.  What was going to hurt worse?  Hitting the water and smacking my head on a rock?  Mama busting my behind because I disobeyed her and then be grounded forever?  Not willing to take a chance either way I decided being called a chicken and disbarred from the Cool Kid Group was just fine with me. 

As an adult, I can understand Mama's reasons for wanting me to stay away from both places as a teenager.  Its a good thing I didn't have a yen to two-step until I moved to Austin!  And not to slight "Lake Junction" but I have access to one of the most beautiful spots on the South Llano River in my own backyard.  I wonder if I ever told my mother about almost jumping off the bridge on a dare?  :)

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