Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Corn Barrel

The corn barrel.  It has been on Grandmom's front porch for as long as I can remember.  It was always a treat to be the one to throw the corn on the front walk.  The feeling of reaching into the barrel and filling up the can was a powerful moment. And then we'd sit on the porch and/or steps and watch the deer and peacocks make their way to the feast. 

We would hear Doesy-Doe's neck bell long before she made her appearance.  Other deer would slowly emerge once Doesy-Doe made it evident they weren't in any danger.  The peacocks would take the opportunity to strut for the peahens.  The males would put on one heck of a show for us as well.  Beautiful tail feathers that we were forbidden to try to pull! 

I always stop at Grandmom's house on my way to the river.  Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to the corn barrel.  I have to open the lid even though I know the barrel is empty.  Sitting on the front steps and listening to the ditch gurgle along its path brings back a rush of memories.  I can close my eyes and hear the rustle of tail feathers and Doesy-Doe's bell jingling as she makes her way to the yard.  It is a good memory.  And the corn barrel serves as a constant reminder that I am fortunate to have such fond memories of years gone by.  :)

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