Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello, 2014!

And so we begin a new year!  Wipe the slate clean of 2013 and embrace the opportunity to make 2014 the best year yet! 

Some of us will make resolutions and some will not.  I fall in the "will not" category.  Don't get me wrong.  I believe in setting goals.  I prefer small victories each day like getting to make the bed before I go to work.  That requires getting Sam out of bed first which isn't always an easy task. 

Kudos to those of you who will make resolutions and work hard to meet your own expectations of said resolutions.  Stop smoking!  Lose weight!  Eat better!  Exercise more!  I applaud each of you for setting your mind on doing something that makes you feel good about yourself.  And that's what it is all about; doing something that makes YOU feel better.  Surround yourself with people who will support and encourage your resolutions.  Flush out the negative people in your life.  The best advice I ever got was from my husband: "Only you can make yourself happy."  And so I pass the advice to you.  Focus on making yourself happy each and every day!

My goal today is.....well, I haven't set a goal for today. I might read a book with Daisy Duke curled up in my lap.  I might catch a movie on TV.  I might cook breakfast.  I might experiment with my new camera when the sun comes out.  The opportunities are endless for me at the end of the dirt road.  Happy New Year from the Jetton Slave Ranch!  :)

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