Friday, December 27, 2013

Blue Shag Carpet

Christmas decorations are repacked in their appropriate tubs and boxes until next year.  I enjoy decorating for the holidays but after a month I have to reorganize the house with the usual "clutter". 

Speaking of the house.....we have the UGLIEST blue shag carpet in the living room.  Not to mention it belongs in the 1980s which is when it was originally installed. 

I've been making comments about the carpet for quite a while.  You know, subtle hints such as: "This carpet is really, um, icky."  "Look at all the dirt and grit I vacuum out of this stuff every time I clean." "I guess I should try to shampoo the carpet but I know it will be a waste of time."  "Old Dude, its time to seriously think about getting new carpet."  "Dang it!  I'm tired of stepping on grass stickers that get ground into the carpet."  Ok, that last complaint really doesn't have anything to do the UGLIEST blue shag carpet in the world.  All complaints about the UGLIEST blue shag carpet in the world have fallen upon deaf ears.  Or so I thought...

On Christmas morning I opened one of my gifts which included an envelope containing money, a piece of the UGLIEST brown industrial carpet I have ever seen and a note signed by Sam, Kris, Mike and Shan.  The note reads as follows:
              "We knew you NEEDED new carpet in the living room.  It is so hard trying
                to get the right style and color.  With Kris' help we came up with this. {The
                sample of brown carpet.}  Hope you like it!"   

Well played, peeps, well played.  They laughed when they saw me curl my lip when I saw the sample they picked out which was cut from a piece of carpet at the hunter's cabin.   Sam went so far as to tell me he had already pre-ordered said carpet.  Joke was on me!  Ladies and gentlemen, there is no way I am going to allow UGLY brown industrial carpet in this living room and they both knew it. 

I am looking forward to replacing the UGLIEST blue shag carpet in the world with new, pretty, clean carpet that won't spit grass burrs at my bare feet.  Looks like the blue swag window treatments will have to be replaced, too.  Shucks.  Darn.  :)

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