Sunday, December 15, 2013

Unmade Beds....

My name is Robin and I have issues with unmade beds, dirty floors and clutter.  I am married to Sam and he gives a hoot about unmade beds, dirty floors and clutter. 

I like to start my day by making the bed.  It sets the tone for the rest of my day.  Bed is made, day will be organized.  I learned quickly in the early stages of my relationship with Sam that he believes there is no sense in making in the bed when you are just going to crawl back into it that same night.  Oh, he can "man make" the bed by pulling up the covers once he evacuates the bed.  He doesn't understand the necessity of "pretty pillows" on the bed that are for decoration only.  I am a woman and he doesn't need to understand the necessity of "pretty pillows" that he cannot sleep on.  (No, I do not have unusable towels and soap bars in the bathrooms.) 

The floors.  I sweep, I vacuum, I mop and stand back to admire my handiwork.  Without fail, Sam will walk across the floor with dirty boots.  I complain.  He doesn't listen.  He will shrug and say, "This isn't a shrine.  People live here, you know."  And out the door he goes leaving a trail of muck along with crumbs of whatever he is snacking on.  Oh, yes, the crumbs.  His idea of cleaning the counter is to swipe the crumbs to the floor.  I sweep, I vacuum, I mop and stand back to admire my  handiwork.  And so the cycle goes.

C-L-U-T-T-E-R.  We all have clutter.  I truly don't mind clutter if it is neat clutter.  Oxymoron at its best -- neat clutter.  We are limited on nooks and crannies to tuck away our clutter in the house.  Sam has a desk of which I cannot even see the surface of.  Therefore, he uses the dining table as an extension of his desk.  I can ignore the clutter for a limited time before I put it in a neat pile and set it to one corner of the table.  Me?  My clutter is all over the house from knickknacks to books neatly arranged as clutter should be.

I remind Sam from time to time, "I take pride in having a clean and neat home.  I would like for you to respect this fact."  Sam will then remind me, "People live here, Robin Irene.  Besides, if you don't have anything to complain about you are going to think I don't care."  Can you feel the love?  Have a neat, orderly and organized day, my friends.

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