Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Surprise Visitors

We don't get many visitors at the end of our dirt road.  Friends and family usually call ahead to make sure we are home before making the trek to the Jetton Slave Ranch.  Surprise visitors are usually lost because they missed the turn to the subdivision.  I seem to be by myself at the house when surprise visitors show up at the ranch headquarters. 

Jehovah's Witness representatives have paid more than one visit to the ranch.  Heck of a drive to deliver the Watch Tower.  I am going to leave this one alone.....

The game warden once showed up and he was not wearing his happy face.  He had gotten a call from the subdivision in reference to a dead turkey along the fence line.  Mr. Game Warden was adamant that the incident happened along our fence line and ran me through the gauntlet.  (He never actually accused me of poaching on the neighbor's property.)  I answered his questions but he wasn't liking my answers.  Without trying to sound like a smart a$$, I finally told Mr. Game Warden, "Sir, why would I poach for a turkey when I have over 4,000 acres over here to shoot a turkey?" 

I once had a dude on a motorcycle roar up in front of the house.  Said he was looking for the Jackson Ranch.  Jackson Ranch is another subdivision which is several miles south of us.   He clearly didn't see the "JETTON SLAVE RANCH" sign at our bump gate. 

Speaking of motorcycles, a group of young men on motor bikes turned around in our parking area.  Maybe they were joy riding?  Maybe they were lost?  Maybe they were intimidated by a woman standing on the porch holding a 12-gauge shotgun? 

You might want to give us a call first if you want to come out and visit.  There are twists and turns and cattle guards and bump gates along the way but you will know you've come to the right place if you end up at the end of a dirt road.  :)

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