Sunday, December 22, 2013

Take a Sunday

First things first, ET made it through the surgery with no problems.  He had a very sick gall bladder and we are all thankful for the surgeon taking the chance, at the family's request, to improve ET's quality of life.  We hope to get him home soon and let him recuperate at our local hospital.  Thank you for your prayers!

Patrick has made himself a nest in one of the cat boxes.  I simply recycle paper boxes by putting towels in the bottom of each one to give the cats a warm place to sleep during the cold weather season.  Gotta give the little guy some credit for taking advantage of a cat box.

Buddy Dog has been accused of confiscating a boot!  I noticed two flashlights bobbing along in the darkness last night around the general area of Buddy's house.  It was our hunters in search of said boot.  Seems Buddy was nosing around the hunter's cabin earlier in the day so it would only make sense to think he latched onto the boot.  It will probably show up in the next week or so when he drags it out to chew on. 

Sam will check ranch rain gauges today.  We got another .10 in the official Jetton Slave Ranch gauge after I reported the 1.12" to the National Weather Service.  We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present! 

Kris is making noise about wanting to bake something.  Lordy, the kitchen will look like a train wreck by the time she is finished with her baking project!  The end product is worth being on clean-up detail.  Red Velvet Cupcakes sound good....

I think I will "take a Sunday".  "Take a Sunday" is ET's term meaning to take a day to be a bum.  Don't make any plans or set any goals.  Just go with the flow and enjoy the day.  Give thanks to the Lord for the day He has given us and just go with it!  :)

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