Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I.  Hate.  To.  Shop.  I despise everything and anything that involves shopping whether it be for groceries, clothes or supplies for the household and ranch.  ARRRGG! Shoot me already when I armed with a shopping list.

Sam says I am missing what is called the "shopping gene" that all women are born with.  Obviously, I am an exception to this perception.  The good thing is I don't spend money which can cause a man to grimace when he sees the credit card statement.  The bad thing is I put off said shopping until I absolutely, positively have to shop. And that puts me in a very foul mood. 

Poor Kristin.  She loves to shop and obviously was born with the shopping gene.  Shopping for school clothes was utterly miserable for both of us.  She wanted to take her time and ooh and ah and, well, shop like a woman.  Me?  I'm rushing her about and demanding she pick out items, try said items on and if they fit then we are done.  I have mellowed with clothes shopping with her.  I don't get antsy until 30 minutes into the shopping experience which is better than my standard 5 minute mark. 

I attempted to make a good shopping impression when Sam and I first met and he would take me to a neighboring town to wine and dine me.  Sam would also do his grocery shopping while in a bigger town.  I was a good sport and would take my grocery list with me as well.  As God and Sam as my witnesses, I actually once left my grocery cart half full with groceries parked at an end cap and walked out the door.  Sam finished his shopping and found me in the truck reading a book.  "Where are your groceries?", he asked.  "Still in the cart in the store.", I replied.   This puzzled Sam until I explained my frustration with any kind of shopping.  We do NOT shop together anymore.  He shops like a woman with a shopping gene and has to touch things and roam up and down EVERY SINGLE AISLE in EVERY SINGLE STORE he is in.  And can walk out without buying anything.  What's the point? 

I make a list.  I purchase what is on my list.  And then I leave the store.  I do not pass go.  I do not collect $200.00.  In the meantime, there are no presents under the Christmas tree.  Somebody needs to go shopping.....

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