Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bullies in the Fourth Grade

Entering fourth grade meant transitioning from primary school to junior high school.  Our junior high school was two story!!  Woo-hoo!  Moving on up to the big kids school!!  Physical Education became a part of our curriculum and the girls were required all white clothes right down to the sneakers on our feet.

It was a little daunting to change from street clothes to PE clothes in front of one's peers.  We were quicker than Superman changing in a phone booth!  We folded our school clothes neatly in a pile on top of our school shoes and placed the pile on a bench.  Mrs. Roper did not allow any of us wearing jewelry during PE class.  So into the shoes went our jewelry thinking nothing about anyone wanting to steal the jewelry. 

One day as I was changing back into my school clothes, I noticed my jewelry was gone!  My coveted Alice in Wonderland watch and my ID bracelet which was engraved with my first name were no where to be found.  Choking back tears, I headed back to regular class with a heavy heart. 

I noticed a group of girls giggling and smirking towards me in the hallway as I headed towards my homeroom locker.  Wait a minute!  Was that girl not-named-Robin wearing my ID bracelet?  Whoa!  Her friend was wearing my Alice in Wonderland watch!!  What to do?  What to do?  If I told on them, I would pay for the consequences the rest of the school year.  If I didn't tell on them, I would never get my jewelry back.  I wanted my jewelry back!

All three of us ended up in the principal's office where the girls returned my jewelry to me and offered false apologies.  I was prepared to be the object of unfair games of dodge ball and being tripped in the cafeteria while carrying my food tray for the rest of the school year. The girls started their revenge that same day by waiting for me after school.  

I was ambushed as I was walking to the school bus by the two thieves plus two more girls within their circle of meanies.  My attempt at defending myself was feeble at best.  One was pulling my hair, another one was kicking me while I was on the ground.  It was all a blur of fists and slaps and name-calling.  I missed the bus.  I lost my hair clips.  My books and papers were scattered all over the school yard.  I had to walk to Mama's workplace knowing I would have to plead and beg her NOT to make a big deal out of the bully situation.  Yeah, right.

My guardian angel must have worked extra hard to take care of a scared little fourth grade girl who hated going to school for fear of being bullied again.  I managed to stay out of the meanies way and learned to ignore the hate letters left in my locker.  And I never left my jewelry in my shoes again.  I still have my Alice in Wonderland watch and my ID bracelet.....

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