Monday, December 2, 2013

Comments at the Closing Table

Working at a title company allows me to meet a variety of folks.  We are seeing more and more people move to our county.  It usually starts with a member of the family having a hunting lease who falls in love with the hill country.  Or a family will have stopped at one of our local eateries on the way to or from some place else.  They take a little tour of the town and county roads and determine this is the place they need to settle down and raise their children. 

Here are a few comments I've heard during closings from new property owners:

Husband:  Well, honey.  Now that we are the proud owners of a ranch (35 acres), what is the first thing you plan on doing?
Wife:  I'm thinking we need to discuss landscape options.

Wife:  I'm so excited to have the opportunity to come to this town and make it more like Houston.
Husband:  I thought you wanted to get away from the city?
Wife:  Yes, but there isn't anything to do here.
(I'm afraid that relationship ended in a divorce.)

Man:  I am planning on buying some horses and cows to put on my property.   What is the first thing I need to do?
Lee (closer):  I believe I would check the fences or build new ones around your property.
Man:  Why do I need fences?  The animals should know to stay on my property.

Wonder if I should mention the possibility of Indians still living in these parts 'round here at the next closing?   

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