Saturday, December 21, 2013

Saturday Morning Quiet Time

I'm perched at the computer desk listening to the sweet sound of rain.  I'm also listening to Buddy Dog barking at the rain.  He's a strange one, that dog.  Mike and Kris are sound asleep in their rooms.  Daisy Duke and Kitty Friend are prowling through the house.  Gray Cat is mingling with the common cats on the porch.  And the bottle baby, Patrick, is sleeping in the utility room.

I awoke to the sound of thunder and rain a little after midnight.  My first thought was to thank God for the precious moisture falling from the sky.  My second thought was, oh crap!, Patrick is probably looking for a place to get out of the rain!  Patrick has been staying in the yard since Mike discovered him on Wednesday abandoned just south of the house.  I donned a rain coat and Sam's boots at the back door and set out to find Patrick.  The poor little guy was huddled under a metal chair which wasn't offering much protection from the elements. 

I gave that baby kid goat a midnight bottle and placed him in the utility room.  Did I mention the utility room is next to the master bedroom??  Just about the time I was questioning my decision to leave him in the house, he fell asleep.  And just like any good mother would do, I am staying in the other part of the house so I won't disturb the baby.  :)

Where is Sam?  He stayed the night with Shannon in New Braunfels.  We have ET in San Antonio where he will undergo gall bladder surgery at noon today.  Prayers will be appreciated for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.  Thank you in advance for doing so.

Enjoy your own quiet time this morning, my friends.  FYI:  There are only four days until Christmas in case anybody is counting.....

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