Saturday, December 28, 2013

When Robin Met Sam

I did not know who Sam Jetton was the first time I was in the same room with him.  We were both attending a coaches meeting for youth basketball.  I had recently broken my ankle and was still wearing a cast.  The first words out of Sam's mouth were, "How do you expect to teach the kids basketball skills with a cast on your foot?"  Really?  I whirled around to spit venom at the man but was told by my friend, Amy, to just let it go because we didn't enough time in the day for Sam and Robin to go at it.  In other words, neither one of us would have backed down.  I did not have a good first impression of Sam.

A couple of years later I was working for an attorney in our small town.  Sam waltzed into the office to meet with the attorney.  Come to find out, Sam's wife (now ex) had filed for divorce.  I kind of felt a little sorry for him until he strutted down the hall like a banty rooster.  Oh, what an arrogant man!  And for a short man he has a big ego and makes his presence known.  As fate would have it, the attorney passed off proofreading the divorce decree (72 pages) to me and checking in with Sam for his feedback.  After the divorce was final, Sam took me and a co-worker out to dinner as a way to show his appreciation for helping him out.  And the rest is history. 

We have had our fair share of bumps in the road during our eleven years together.  Living with Sam isn't the easiest thing I have ever done but it certainly makes for good entertainment.  Our bantering makes most people uncomfortable but it is who we are.  Sam still gets the best of me for the most part.  Every once in a while I get the last word if you consider a sigh or snort a word.  Mike's friend, Ivan, says he would worry about us if Sam and I didn't "go at each other". 

I still think Sam is the most arrogant, egotistical son of a bitch I've ever known and he considers it to be a compliment.  Honestly!  I told him that one day and he smiled and said, "Thank you!"  Oh, what fun this adventure will continue to be!  :)

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