Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More Conversations with ET

A few more excerpts from conversations with ET:

{ET was tucking a lap blanket around his feet}
Me:  Are your toes cold?
ET:  Yes, I like doritos.  But I like the wavy BBQ chips better.

{ET observing me feeling for something under my arm}
ET:  Do you have dry skin?
Me:  No sir.  I have a skin "tag" that is bothering me.
ET:  A what?
Me:  You know, a "tag" mole.
ET:  {perplexed} A tadpole?

{coming up on the noon hour}
Me:  Its almost soup time!
ET:  Poop time? 

{conversation about a buck one of the hunters bagged}
Sam:  Darrell got a nice axis this morning.
ET:  Who?
ET:  Tara?  I didn't know she was out here.
Sam:  Not Tara, ET.  DARRELL!
ET:  I'm not getting it.   Oh, yeah, Darrell!  I got it now.

I apologize in advance if I shout at my friends and family instead of talking in a normal tone of voice these days.  :)  

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