Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from all of us at the Jetton Slave Ranch!   

Here's how the Chinese Christmas went down at Mama and Gary's house yesterday:

1.  Kyle.  His gift was a peacock design jewelry box.

2.  Mama.  She took away the jewelry box.  Kyle opened a scarf and blanket gift.

3.  Gary.  He let Kyle keep the scarf and blanket and ended up with a flashlight which he insisted was very dim and the batteries only lasted for 15 minutes.  In other words, "leave my flashlight alone"! 

4.  Kristin.  Her package included a scarf and bath/body goods. 

5.  Kelli.  She took away the scarf and blanket from Kyle.  Kyle next chose a gift, alas!, of TWO scarves! 

6.  Mike.  His gift was a fire-proof storage box. 

7.  Robin.  I took away the scarves from Kyle.  Only one gift left in the pile and Kyle takes it instead of taking away a gift from any of us.  Guess what?  He ended up with a $25 gift card from Bass Pro Shop!! 

Sam was en route from San Antonio while we were partaking of holiday festivities in Segovia.  Sam busted ET out of the San Antonio hospital and admitted him to our local hospital for better care until he regains his strength and can go home. 

May each of you have a day filled with love, laughter and warm fuzzies!  Don't forget the reason for the season while opening gifts and indulging in good food.  Happy Birthday, Jesus! :)

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