Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Daily Commute

Most people call ahead to make sure we are home before making the trek to the end of the dirt road.  I believe it is considerate on their part but on the flipside they probably don't want to make the trip for naught considering the stretch of road upon which they must travel to get here.

I would rather travel to and from town on this rough and mostly dusty road than fight city traffic any day.  We calculate travel in minutes as opposed to miles.  It takes approximately 30 minutes to get to town and about 25 minutes to get home.  :) 

My daily commute is never boring.  I am privileged to see the black buck antelope and Scimitar horned oryx grazing in the front pasture.  I might even spot an elk or red stag deer hanging along the fence line in the Exotic Pasture.  Jackrabbits and cottontail rabbits dart across the county road and always travel in twos and threes.  It is not unusual to see a grey fox streak across the road.  I often brake for the cattle crossing the road in the neighbors' ranches.  I have come to learn where the axis deer congregate in the mornings and evenings so I am prepared to avoid taking one out with my vehicle.  And then are the hogs.  Never saw a hog that I thought was pretty. 

Bump gates.  There are two bump gates along my commute.  And yes I have had a bad experience with one of them.  I attempted to follow someone through the gate thinking I had time to get through it before it swung back.  Lesson learned but try explaining the self-inflicted accident to the insurance claims department.

The road may be long but I always enjoy the scenery.  So to all my city friends who have to fight traffic and road delays, I feel for you.  In the meantime, I will be cruising along the dusty road which always leads me back home at the end of the dirt road. 


  1. Amen to that! I try to explain to people the "commute" I used to have to take twice a day from the ranch to and from school...first on a school bus, then with parents and finally driving. Half of the 30 miles on caliche road and half on paved.

  2. How would I explain an "oryx road block"? :)
